Thursday 23 September 2010

Barnet Alliance launched at successful meeting

Oh, back in the news again, Barnet council. The Guardian has picked up on the Grant Thornton audit report on Future Shape/easyCouncil that shows little progress so far.

Meanwhile, at the Emerald Suite in North London Business Park more than 200 workers and residents met for the launch of Barnet Alliance for Public Services.

A good night, all in all. Though no one's feeling complacent, I'm sure.

UPDATE: There are some videos from the meeting on Hangbitch's (!) blog.

There are a few pics on my Flickr site here.


LesDennis said...

The turnout looks good. I was wondering if anyone will write a report for the coalition of resistance website?

Citizen Barnet said...

I can do this... after supper.

Citizen Barnet said...

Sorry, it's going to have to wait for a bit longer as I'm all PCd out. (Next time, send someone to the meeting! - Best wishes, Vicki.)

LesDennis said...

haha no problem. Well my mum did go, but don't think she was up for taking notes :)